Our Masters
The people who are most likely to use our design are people who are interested in hiking, camping and nature as a whole. Our target participants are Scott Lewis, the president of the WOC Club and Andrew Jones. Scott Lewis is the Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Director of Outing Club at WIlliams College. He has a wide range of experiences with the outdoor wild. He is crucial to our project because it revolves around learning in the wild and he would be a perfect person to tell us about learning in the wild based on his prior experience. We plan on observing Scott as he does his daily routines. We will not be observing him all day but during his busiest times to see how he operates and runs the Outing Club. Similar to Scott, the president of the WOC club also has strong experience outdoors. We plan on observing them when they bring the WOC groups out on a hike. We plan on observing how and why the paths/hikes that the group goes on get chosen. Andrew Jones is the Hopkins Forest Manager. We plan on observing Andrew while he performs his daily work at the Hopkin’s Forest. This will help us gain insight into the different roles and activities that he does as a Manager and how our design could potentially help him save time by being more effective and efficient at identifying certain plant species.
The Apprentice’s Plan
The Interaction with our masters will entail us observing their current behaviors. In certain situations, this will include us going to hikes along with the team to observe how hikers behave out in the wild. This will allow us to gather insight into how people think when they are out on these trails. We will also be observing the different types of trees, plants, fruits etc that are found around these hikes to give accurate information to our customers. Questions that we would ask include:
- Finding about how long trips normally take
- What medical and hiking equipment they carry to increase safety
- How the weather affects the trails they go on
- How often they have to find food out in the wild and the process they go through to ensure that they are consuming the right things.
By observing the environmental scientist, we will be able to get more knowledge into the different wildlife that is around a specific area. To address wildlife identification, we would like to do an inquiry with an environmental specialist in the Hopkins Forest. Through this specialist, we would be able to learn about what items are more easily identifiable, obtain wildlife information, and see what problems and issues someone like this would have and we could address through our application. By observing Scott Lewis we will get an idea as to how he runs the WOC and Physical Education department. We will ask him questions that allow us to:
- Find out about how he picks the schedule and places where students go during the year
- What is special about these places
- How difficult it is to navigate and find good trails during the winter or rainy days when the trail paths aren’t defined.
- How does he ensure safety when the students are out in the wild.